Monday, March 20, 2017

Students Choose Preferred Movie Genre

Do you want to find out what movie types students enjoy? Keep reading. 

Students select their favorite movie genres

In the above posted pie chart, statistics show us the genre preferences that students like and enjoy watching. At 54.29% students preferred to watch comedy movies because people like to laugh and students sometimes get pressured from studying so they watch comedy because it changes their mood.

Coming in second place at 28.57% students liked to watch action movies. This is because boys usually tend to go for movies that contain violence and some sort of scheme so that their attention can be grabbed by the events.

Finally the third choice that students like was drama movies, the results showed that 11.43% of students prefer these types of movies. That’s because students aged between 18 and 23 experience love and affection towards each other.

In my opinion I prefer to watch romantic movies because I think of my self as a romantic person, this type of genre moves my emotions and makes me express my own feelings.

Photo by: StatCrunch

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